Since first being exposed to the "Metaverse" more than 10 years ago, I've been excited about the technology. With this in mind, in this chapter I'm excited to embark with you on a journey through the digital wonderland of the Metaverse and the immersive universe of Spatial Computing.

As law professionals, it's essential we understand these transformative technologies and the profound impact they will have on our profession. When meeting in person isn't an option, these new virtual experiences help us connect in better and more unique ways and really help you establish better rapport and sense of connection with others. Adding the magic wand of AI into the mix, and I believe we are poised to witness a revolution that will reshape the legal landscape, streamline client services, and introduce new dimensions to our practice. I shared several of our virtual venues with you at the end of this chapter and invite you to jump in, look around and see for yourself the possibilities these new spaces offer forward thinking lawyers and firms.

What is the Metaverse?

The term "Metaverse" might evoke images of futuristic, digital realms akin to science fiction. However, it's a concept rapidly transitioning from the pages of novels into our everyday lives. At its core, the Metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual reality. It encompasses an expansive network of interconnected digital environments where people can interact, socialize, work, and play using avatars and immersive technologies.

As an example, below is a screenshot of one of our venues that we use for our "Web3 Wednesday" seminars in the Spatial metaverse. We have about a dozen different meeting and conference spaces and I shared a few with links at the end of this chapter.

In the metaverse classroom show, each week we share legal and business thoughts on trending topics with creators and entrepreneurs and then engage in live Q&A. Trust is earned, new relationships are built and new business comes our way. The link at the end of this chapter allows you to visit the space using your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or headset.

Web3 Wednesday with Mitch Jackson on 8-24-24 at 6.39 AM.png

The metaverse provides a world where you can attend a client meeting in a virtual boardroom, examine evidence in a digitally recreated crime scene, or even participate in a courtroom trial from the comfort of your home office.

It allows you to offer new options (especially for GenZ clients and team members) and connect with people in new ways.

This is not just a possibility; it's happening right now. The Metaverse is about creating experiences that transcend the physical limitations of the real world, providing us with new tools and avenues to enhance our legal practices.

Understanding Spatial Computing

Spatial Computing, on the other hand, is the technology that powers the Metaverse. It refers to the digitization of physical space, allowing for the interaction between the digital and physical worlds. Through the use of advanced sensors, cameras, and other devices, Spatial Computing enables computers to perceive and interact with the environment in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Picture this: a courtroom equipped with spatial computing technology where virtual evidence can be manipulated in real-time, witnesses can be brought to life through digital VR type representations, and jurors can visualize complex case details through augmented reality. Spatial Computing is not just about creating immersive experiences; it's about integrating the digital and physical worlds seamlessly to enhance our understanding and interaction with our surroundings.

The Role of AI in the Metaverse and Spatial Computing

Now, let’s sprinkle some AI magic into this equation. AI serves as the brain behind the brawn of the Metaverse and Spatial Computing. It enables the creation of intelligent virtual environments, personalized user experiences, and sophisticated simulations that can revolutionize the way we practice law.

Enhanced Client Interaction: AI-powered virtual assistants can interact with clients in the Metaverse, providing instant legal advice, answering queries, and guiding them through complex legal processes. This not only enhances client satisfaction but also frees up valuable time for lawyers to focus on more critical tasks.

Virtual Law Offices: With AI, law firms can establish full-time or satellite virtual offices in the Metaverse, where clients located anywhere in the world can meet with their attorneys, review documents, and even attend court hearings. These virtual offices can operate 24/7, providing clients with unparalleled convenience and access to legal services. We're using this technology right now and have shared a few links to our professional and private venues below.

Advanced Legal Research and Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of legal data, case law, and statutes to provide lawyers with valuable insights and predictive analytics. This allows for more accurate legal research, efficient case preparation, and better-informed decision-making.

Virtual Courtrooms and Trials: AI can facilitate the creation of virtual courtrooms where judges, attorneys, and jurors can participate in trials from remote locations. AI-powered tools can assist in case presentation, evidence management, and even jury selection, ensuring fair and efficient proceedings.

While the Metaverse and Spatial Computing offer immense potential, they also present unique legal challenges that need to be addressed. As lawyers, it's crucial to understand these implications and navigate the evolving legal landscape.

Jurisdiction and Regulation: One of the primary challenges in the Metaverse is determining jurisdiction and applicable laws. As virtual environments transcend physical boundaries, questions arise about which legal systems have authority and how regulations can be enforced. Lawyers will need to grapple with complex jurisdictional issues and advocate for the development of international legal frameworks to govern the Metaverse.

Privacy and Data Security: The Metaverse relies heavily on data collection and analysis to create personalized experiences. This raises concerns about privacy and data security. Lawyers must ensure that robust data protection measures are in place, and clients' rights are safeguarded. Additionally, they need to stay updated on evolving data protection laws and regulations to provide effective legal counsel.

Intellectual Property: The creation of virtual assets, digital content, and AI-generated works in the Metaverse presents unique intellectual property challenges. Lawyers will need to navigate issues related to copyright, trademarks, and patents in virtual environments. Additionally, they must address questions of ownership and licensing of digital assets, ensuring clients' intellectual property rights are protected.

Contract Law: Virtual transactions and agreements in the Metaverse require new approaches to contract law. Lawyers will need to draft and enforce digital contracts, considering the unique aspects of virtual environments. Smart contracts, powered by blockchain technology, can automate and streamline contractual processes, but lawyers must ensure their validity and enforceability.

Dispute Resolution: As conflicts arise in the Metaverse, traditional dispute resolution mechanisms may not be sufficient. Lawyers will need to explore alternative methods such as virtual mediation and arbitration to resolve disputes efficiently. Additionally, they must advocate for the development of legal frameworks that address virtual disputes and provide effective remedies.

Practical Applications and Case Studies

To illustrate the potential of the Metaverse, Spatial Computing, and AI in the legal profession, let's explore some practical applications and case studies.

Remote Client Meetings and Conferences: We're already doing this weekly. But here's the general idea. A law firm establishes a virtual office or conference room in the Metaverse, where potential and existing clients are given the option of scheduling appointments and meeting with their attorneys or team members without the need for physical travel. As mentioned above, we do all of this and more each week to be unique, memorable, build new relationships and in the end, bring in new referrals and business.

How do you "educate" your clients or incoming callers to make this happen?

That's the easy part. When your firm is contacted for a consultation or appointment, have your team share options. For example, "Fantastic, we look forward to meeting with you. We can setup a meeting in our conference room here at the firm, over the phone or Zoom, or if you like, we also offer private meetings in our virtual metaverse conference room. You can access the meeting from your phone, tablet, computer or headset. What works best for you?"

Now think about what just happened. Not only are you giving the other person options most firms never even think about offering, but you're also indirectly communicating to that client that your firm is state-of-the-art when it comes to technology and creating meaningful client experiences. Even if a client never takes you up on a metaverse meeting, they will tell their family, friends and business associates that you offered the option.

Pretty slick right?

Now take things to the next level. Have fun and affirmatively suggest that clients meet with you in the metaverse. Twist some arms (without hurting anyone) and make it happen. It will be a memorable experience for everyone and after you learn the basics, you may never go back to boring phone calls or Zoom meetings.


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Planting a final seed, consider this recent web3 conference spoke at which was attended by hundreds of live audience members and also live streamed from within the metaverse around the world. I appeared on the Web3 tech and AI panels. The recording remains on YouTube and interested people and business owners who were not able to attend the event can watch. Take a look here.

Being a leader in these new spaces will help expand your brand from local to global and, help you build new relationships with creators, entrepreneurs and business owners who would never think to look for you through methods. It's fun, exciting and next level.

Virtual Courtrooms: Imagine a scenario where a complex international arbitration case is conducted entirely in a virtual courtroom. Lawyers, arbitrators, and witnesses from different parts of the world can participate in real-time, presenting evidence and arguments through immersive technologies. This not only reduces costs and travel time but also ensures efficient and transparent proceedings.

Virtual Crime Scene Reconstruction: Spatial Computing allows for the creation of virtual crime scenes, enabling lawyers to analyze and present evidence in a more immersive and interactive manner. By reconstructing the crime scene digitally, lawyers can provide a compelling narrative to the jury, enhancing their understanding and engagement.

Embracing the Future: Skills and Knowledge for Lawyers

As we venture into this exciting new era of the Metaverse, Spatial Computing, and AI, it's crucial for lawyers to equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this digital landscape.

Technical Literacy: Lawyers must develop a basic understanding of the technologies driving the Metaverse and Spatial Computing. This includes familiarizing themselves with virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), AI, and blockchain technology. By staying updated on technological advancements, lawyers can effectively leverage these tools in their practice.

Several good places to start include connecting with me and doing a deep dive into the past metaverse focused issues of my LinkedIn newsletter. I share platforms and even more important, approaches to communicate effectively in these new virtual spaces. My weekly metaverse venued "Web3 Wednesday" is free and open to everyone. If you want to get a better idea about how this all works, take a look at our public space anytime (24/7) and specifically, stop by live on most Wednesday mornings at 7am PT (10am ET) to see how we present and interact with a virtual audience.

Also make sure to connect with attorney, Madaline Zannes, who is a co-founder of the The Metaverse Bar Association. I have the privilege to be an early participant and advisor to this global association. Get involved. The group will connect you to a dynamic community of legal experts in blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse, offering you the chance to learn and showcase your thought leadership, collaborate globally, and stay ahead in the evolving digital legal landscape through continuous learning and exclusive events.

Cybersecurity Awareness: With the increasing reliance on digital platforms, lawyers must prioritize cybersecurity. Understanding the risks and implementing robust security measures is essential to protect client data and maintain confidentiality. Lawyers should also stay informed about evolving cybersecurity laws and regulations.

Collaboration with Technologists: Lawyers should actively collaborate with technologists and developers to ensure legal considerations are integrated into the design and development of virtual environments. By working together, they can address legal challenges and create innovative solutions that benefit both the legal profession and technology industry.

Continuous Learning: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and lawyers must commit to lifelong learning. Attending conferences, webinars, and workshops focused on emerging technologies and their legal implications can help lawyers stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, engaging in online communities and forums can foster knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.

Embracing the Digital Future

As we conclude this chapter, it's evident that the Metaverse, Spatial Computing, and AI are poised to revolutionize the legal profession. The possibilities are limitless, and the potential for innovation and efficiency is unparalleled. By embracing these technologies and equipping ourselves with the necessary skills and knowledge, we can navigate the digital future with confidence and provide enhanced legal services to our clients.

The journey into the Metaverse and Spatial Computing world may seem daunting, but it is also incredibly exciting. As lawyers, we have the opportunity to shape the legal landscape of the future, leveraging AI and immersive technologies to create a more accessible, efficient, and just legal system.

So, let’s embrace this digital revolution, explore the boundless possibilities, and pave the way for a brighter and more innovative legal profession. The future is here, and it’s time to step into the Metaverse with enthusiasm and optimism.


I believe our metaverse venues are top-notch. We use and enjoy the Spatial metaverse platform and I encourage you to take a look at the options the service offers.

While the metaverse may at first seem a bit complicated, here's a little secret: we use Spatial's easy-to-use "turn-key" solutions that anyone can create and use. Each week, we connect and engage with potential clients, current clients, and experts from around the world in various professional and personal (sometimes "invite-only") private spaces.

I’m excited to share several of our professional and private spaces with you. This way, you can (1) see what they look like and (2) appreciate how AI is already allowing us to create unique and memorable experiences in these spaces and frankly, this technology is just getting started.

Imagine real-time instant translation or changing the environment with voice commands like, “add a sunset to the background” or “place a conference table in the center of the room with laptop screens in front of each seat.” This is not just a vision; it’s starting to happen right now and I believe these next level metaverse AI features should be rolling out in the next year or two.

For now, check out several of our different themed virtual properties. While all these properties are available from your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop, if you have and use a headset, the experience is 95% better. You’ll feel like you’re actually standing and interacting with others in the venue.

And for the lawyers who are asking, why in the world do you have a ski chalet or penthouse in the metaverse? How does that help my practice?

Good questions.

Here's the dance and how all this works.

If I meet with a client in our traditional metaverse conference room and find out he enjoys skiing or snowboarding, and if we "connect," I might after our formal meeting say something like, "You're a tech guy and told me how much you enjoyed meeting in our metaverse space. Want to jump over to our private ski chalet to watch the sun set from the back deck?"

Most of the time the other person will say, "Hey, let's make it happen," and with a click we're both now over in the chalet. After this happens a client will often ask if we can just have our next meeting in the chalet, our suite in Dubai, or pool side in the French Riviera (links below).

When all is said and done, just have fun with the options and experiences you can create. In the end, it's the experiences, memories and feelings that your clients will remember.

Our "Web3 Wednesday "classroom" venue (join us Wednesday mornings at 7 am ET | 10 am ET)

Maneuver Mediation

Ski Chalet

Penthouse (Miami) Penthouse (Miami)

French Riviera

Urban City Space

Penthouse (Dubai) Penthouse (Dubai)

The "AI In Law" podcast compliments this book. It's your quick dive into how AI is transforming the practice of law. In just seven minutes, get the insights you need to stay sharp and ahead of the curve. Listen on Apple Podcast," Spotify, and YouTube.