Artificial Intelligence is not just changing the legal landscape; it's staging a full-scale revolution. As we peel back the curtain on the myriad of AI tools now at the fingertips of today’s legal professionals, this chapter and book are your indispensable guides to the platforms and AI options that are not merely enhancing, but radically transforming how lawyers draft, research, and interact with clients.

From the simple setup akin to starting a new email account to mastering sophisticated tools that streamline complex legal processes, we explore how integrating AI into your practice isn't just an upgrade—it's a necessary evolution in a world where staying ahead of the curve is synonymous with survival. For the most up-to-date resources and links, be sure to consult the comprehensive "Resource List" at the end of this book.

What Are AI Services and Platforms?

At its core, these services and platforms are a suite of technologies designed to simulate human intelligence processes. These platforms can learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention. They range from general-purpose AI like OpenAI’s GPT-4, Microsoft AI and Google Gemini, to specialized legal AI platforms like LexisNexis AI, LawDroid Co-Pilot and vLex. The best part? Many of these tools are as user-friendly as your favorite email client or search engine.

"Open-Source vs Closed-Source Platforms"

There's an ongoing debate between open-source and closed-source AI platforms. Open-source AI platforms offer transparency and foster collaboration, allowing developers to freely access and modify the source code. This democratizes innovation and accelerates advancements. However, they can pose security risks and lack dedicated support, which is vital for enterprises needing stability.

Closed-source platforms, such as OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google's Gemini, focus on proprietary development, offering optimized performance, robust security, and dedicated support, ideal for business needs but at a higher cost and with limited transparency. Most of the AI platforms and services were using and listed in our "Resources" section are closed-source platforms.

Beyond these, there are hybrid models like freemium and collaborative models. Freemium models provide basic functionalities for free while charging for advanced features, balancing accessibility and premium support. Collaborative models, developed through partnerships, offer varied accessibility, combining open and closed-source benefits. Understanding the TOS and licensing agreements, and related rights, remedies and other dynamics, helps navigate the AI landscape, leveraging each approach's strengths to drive innovation and success.

Cloud-Based AI Services: Pros and Cons

Cloud-based AI services are incredibly convenient. They offer powerful computing resources without the need for expensive hardware or complex installations. With just a few clicks, you can access cutting-edge AI technologies from anywhere, at any time.

For example, most of the time I'm using the latest paid version of ChatGPT4o I'm doing so using its cloud-based service on my phone. When I'm working from my laptop or desktop, I'm using ChatGPT4o from the Mac app on my system which allows me to click and upload documents and dictate prompts and commands easily from my Blue Yeti microphone sitting on my desk. Which service I use is more of a matter of convenience than anything else.

However, this convenience may come with considerations regarding data privacy and security.


Scalability: Easily scale your use of AI without significant investments in infrastructure.

Accessibility: Access AI tools from any device with an internet connection.

Cost-Effective: Pay for what you use without the need for upfront investments.


Data Privacy: Depending on the settings, your data may be used to train AI models.

Security: Data breaches can occur if the provider’s security measures are insufficient.

Dependency: Reliance on third-party services can lead to downtime if the service provider faces issues.

Data Privacy and Terms of Service Agreements

Before diving into any AI platform, it’s crucial to understand the terms of service and data usage policies. Some platforms may use your data to "enhance their models," which can be a double-edged sword. One leading provider mentions in its TOS (and I'm paraphrasing, that it may share data with third-parties around the world to improve the user experience. I'm not sure what that means but I think you get the point. Always check for:

Data Usage Policies: Ensure you know how your data will be used.

End-to-End Encryption: Verify that your data is encrypted during transmission and storage.

Privacy Settings: Adjust settings to limit data sharing if privacy is a concern.

APIs and Privacy

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are gateways to accessing AI capabilities while maintaining control over your data. Using APIs can help secure your data and ensure that it’s only used for intended purposes. Check with providers to see what their API status is and whether or not it's different between free and paid versions of various products and services. Generally speaking here’s how APIs work:

Integration: APIs allow you to integrate AI functionalities into your existing systems.

Control: You decide what data is sent to the AI platform.

Security: Many APIs offer enhanced security features to protect your data.

By using APIs, you can leverage the power of AI while ensuring your data remains secure.

AI platforms come in two main varieties: general-purpose and legal-specific. Understanding the difference is key to selecting the right tool for your needs.

General AI Platforms

General AI platforms, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, are designed to handle a wide range of tasks. They are versatile and powerful but lack the specialized knowledge required for legal applications.


Broad capabilities for various tasks.

Constantly improving due to large user bases.

*Disadvantages: *

Limited legal-specific knowledge.

Privacy concerns with data usage.

Legal-specific AI platforms, like LawDroid's CoPilot, Westlaw Precision and others mentioned in the resources section at the end of this book, are tailored for the legal profession. LawDroid's "point and click" features make it easy to use. All understand legal terminology, can analyze case law, and provide insights that are directly relevant to legal practitioners.


Enhanced privacy and security tailored for legal use.

Specialized knowledge and functionalities.

*Disadvantages: *

May have a steeper learning curve.

Often require a subscription or higher upfront costs.

Enhanced Privacy and Security. Legal-specific AI platforms prioritize privacy and security, ensuring that your data is protected. These platforms often comply with stringent legal standards, making them a safer choice for handling sensitive information. Features to look for include:

Data Encryption: Ensures that your data is secure at all times.

Compliance: Adherence to legal regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA.

Access Controls: Robust user authentication and authorization mechanisms.

Training and Data Sharing

No matter which AI platform you choose, it’s essential to be cautious with the information you share. This extends to your team as well. Proper training on privacy and security issues is crucial. Depending on the need and use of AI, throughout the book we share different ways to train and get everyone in your firm on the same page re best practices. For now, here are some tips:

Awareness: Ensure everyone understands the risks associated with sharing sensitive data.

Best Practices: Implement best practices for data security and privacy.

Ongoing Training: Regularly update your team on new threats and security measures.

Practical Tips for Using AI Platforms

The best way to understand the value of AI platforms is to try them out. Each platform offers a unique experience, and what works for one firm might not work for another. Setting up accounts and experimenting with different tools will help you become proficient and find the best fit for your needs. Dip your toe in the digital AI space by trying a free or inexpensive platform and just having some fun with the prompts we share in the next chapter. See what AI can do. For those of you who have never tried AI, I think you're going to be suprised as the ease of use and power.

Setting up accounts on these AI platforms is typically straightforward. Here are some practical tips to help you get started:

Create Accounts: Begin by setting up accounts on the platforms that interest you. Most platforms offer free trials or basic versions, so take advantage of these to explore their features.

Explore Features: Spend time exploring the features of each platform. Familiarize yourself with their interfaces and capabilities. Each platform offers unique value, so understanding their strengths will help you leverage them effectively.

Practice Prompting: Effective prompting is crucial for getting the best results from AI platforms. Remember the “garbage in, garbage out” mantra—the quality of the output depends on the quality of the input. Experiment with different prompting strategies to see what works best. I share proven prompting tips in Chapter 3.

Start Small: Begin by using AI for simpler tasks, such as drafting emails or summarizing documents. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually tackle more complex tasks, like legal research or contract analysis.

Integrate with Existing Tools: Many AI platforms integrate seamlessly with tools you already use, such as Microsoft Word or legal research databases. Take advantage of these integrations to enhance your workflow.

Stay Updated: AI technology is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest developments and new features. Joining online communities or following industry news can help you stay informed. I shared a few newsletters, blogs and podcasts you might want to subscribe to at the end of the book.

Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from colleagues or peers who are also using AI platforms. Sharing experiences and tips can help you optimize your use of these tools.

Embracing AI in your legal practice is an exciting journey that can lead to significant improvements in efficiency and effectiveness. I encourage you to set up accounts on these platforms and try them all. Each offers a unique experience and value. Getting familiar with one will help you become proficient with all.

Remember, the key to success with AI is to start small, practice regularly, and stay curious. By integrating these powerful tools into your practice, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the legal field and provide exceptional service to your clients.

As we wrap up our guided tour of AI's expansive toolbox, it's clear that each platform—from ChatGPT’s nimble wordplay to vLex and LawDroid's sleek legal research features—promises not just to streamline our workflows, but to fundamentally reinvent them. Yet, the true magic isn't just in the tools themselves; it's woven into the very fabric of how we engage with them. So, as we edge closer to the curtain of the next chapter, here’s the twist: the power of AI doesn't solely reside in the technology—it thrives in the craft of commanding it.

Coming up, we'll unravel the pivotal art of prompt crafting. Each prompt you craft is more than mere words—it's a master key, intricately designed to unlock the full spectrum of AI’s potential. This revelation isn’t just a shift; it’s a complete overhaul of how we perceive and harness AI in the legal arena.

Ready to be the maestro at the console of AI? Let's step into the next chapter with a sense of adventure and an eagerness to master the art of effective prompting—because, after all, the future of law is not only about adapting to new tools but also about mastering them with finesse and flair.


For a comprehensive list of AI platforms and services, along with descriptions and links, refer to the "Resources" section at the end of this book. The resources section is regularly updated.

The "AI In Law" podcast compliments this book. It's your quick dive into how AI is transforming the practice of law. In just seven minutes, get the insights you need to stay sharp and ahead of the curve. Listen on Apple Podcast," Spotify, and YouTube.