This book isn’t about spreading fear. It’s your guide to using AI to sharpen your legal skills and boost your efficiency. It’s about transforming lawyers and the legal profession for the better. -Mitch Jackson, Esq.

Imagine your next legal assistant isn't bound by the constraints of fatigue, time, or human error. Picture a tireless entity that processes data with surgical precision, forecasts case outcomes with a mind rivaling the most seasoned attorneys, and revolutionizes the entire legal process. This isn't a glimpse into a distant future; it's the tangible impact of artificial intelligence in today's legal arena.

I invite you to step into a world where the cumbersome volumes of legal texts, documents and case files are distilled in mere seconds. Here, predictive analytics craft strategies that are razor-sharp, and every mundane task that once chained you to an avalanche of paperwork is now seamlessly managed by a digital intellect.

Live AI

Before we dive into the book, I want to introduce something cool we’re testing out in beta.

My new AI avatar is up, running and ready to chat with you about AI, law, and all things related to this book. It’s brought to you by HeyGen, a company that provides advanced AI avatars that simulate real human interactions. Full disclosure: I’m a brand ambassador for HeyGen because I genuinely believe in their product and mission.

Click here to test out the AI avatar. Please keep in mind this AI avatar is still in beta and works best on your laptop or desktop. Ask the AI avatar anything about AI and the law, or specifically about this book! You’ll need to create a free account, but trust me, the few seconds it takes is worth seeing this tech in action.

As you can see, artificial Intelligence isn’t merely transforming the legal profession—it’s revolutionizing the world at an unprecedented scale. In my view, its impact on business and society will surpass that of the printing press, electricity, and the internet combined. AI’s capabilities are not just augmenting our current systems but fundamentally reshaping how we live, work, and interact. This technological evolution is set to redefine industries, enhance efficiencies, and create possibilities previously unimaginable, heralding a new era of innovation and progress.

AI Becomes Integral to Business and Law

According to a July 7, 2023 McKinsey report, the implementation of generative AI use cases has the potential to increase global corporate profits by $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually. This significant boost in value is attributed to various applications of generative AI across different industries, including customer operations, marketing and sales, software engineering, and research and development. This impact is comparable to the gross domestic product of Germany, underscoring the substantial economic potential of AI when effectively implemented across businesses​

In it's 2024 insights, McKinsey reiterates that AI technology continues to evolve and will deliver substantial economic benefits across multiple industries, including banking, life sciences, and manufacturing, by 2030. Additionally, McKinsey underscores that effective scaling and adoption of generative AI remain critical challenges for many businesses, with only a fraction realizing its full potential so far.

With this in mind, and as AI, especially generative AI, becomes integral to business operations, I believe law firms will pivot to meet new demands: specialized advisory services on AI implementation and compliance, handling IP disputes and product liability cases, and internal efficiency improvements through AI tools. This shift will also bring ethical challenges and necessitate continuous AI training for lawyers, while fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration to navigate the evolving legal landscape. In short, AI's rise will revolutionize both the services provided by law firms and their internal operations, demanding agility and innovation at every turn.

Back in the Day

I often think back to when I started my legal journey—when the internet was a mere fledgling, and computers were little more than sophisticated typewriters. Each hum and beep of those early machines, not to mention dial-up modems, signaled a step towards greater efficiency. Fast forward to today, and these sleek, powerful devices are our constant companions, guiding us to unprecedented levels of client service and professional achievement.

AI isn't just about enhancing how we perform routine tasks; it's about transforming the very core of legal practice. Envision an assistant who tirelessly sifts through vast oceans of legal literature, distilling essential insights in moments. Imagine leveraging predictive analytics to not only forecast case outcomes but to tailor your strategies with unparalleled precision.

The Revolution

The integration of AI in law is more than just an upgrade—it's a revolution. It promises not only to handle the drudgery of paperwork but to elevate the entire legal practice to new heights. This is the dawn of a new era, where technology and law intersect, creating a dynamic synergy that propels us forward. Welcome to the future of law, where your digital assistant is more than a tool—it's a game-changer.

Today, we stand on the cusp of a new epoch with AI at its core. This technology is not merely enhancing existing processes; it is redefining what is possible.

Now, here's the kicker—this is as bad as AI will ever be.

Think about that.

AI is already an outstanding tool. For many of us who have been neck deep in the AI sandboxes, we know just how powerful this new technology is. But like I reference throughout the book, we're just getting started and AI is only going to get better. Much better.

AI's capacity to analyze data, understand patterns, and automate complex decision-making processes is not just improving outcomes—it's changing the face of legal practice. This book is your gateway to understanding and harnessing the power of AI. It invites you to explore the profound implications of this technology, which permeates every facet of legal work, from the drafting of contracts to the nuances of litigation strategy.

My intention with this narrative is to kindle a spark of curiosity and equip you with knowledge, pushing the boundaries of what you might achieve with AI in your legal practice. You may discover approaches and insights into AI that are entirely new to you, or you might deepen your understanding of familiar concepts, viewing them through a transformative lens.

As the capabilities of AI expand, so too will the content of this book. It’s written in a way and on a dynamic platform where my team and I can regularly revisit and revise these pages to encapsulate the latest developments and innovations in legal tech. Things are changing daily in the AI legal space, and this dynamic approach ensures that each visit back to this text will offer new knowledge and tools, reflective of the latest advancements in the field.

In this narrative, you will find a purposeful approach to referencing AI tools, platforms, and services. For the most part throughout the chapters, I will generally reference these AI solutions to provide context and insight into their practical applications. To ensure you have access to the most current and comprehensive information, I have dedicated a "Resources" section at the end of the book for specific platforms, services and links.

This method acknowledges the rapid evolution of AI, allowing you, the reader, to stay informed about the latest tools and technologies. By integrating general references within the chapters and providing specific products and services in the "References" section, I aim to equip you with the most up-to-date resources available.

As I'm sure you've figured out, this book isn’t just a static resource; it’s a living document designed to grow alongside AI advancements. Each chapter is crafted to provoke thought and stimulate inquiry, while the references section ensures you have direct access to the latest innovations in legal tech. This combined approach offers a dynamic and comprehensive guide, ensuring that your journey through the evolving world of AI and legal practice is well-supported with the most current and relevant information.

Together, let’s embark on this journey into the future of law. With AI as our guide and an eagerness to explore the unknown, we stand ready to redefine the practice of law.

Final Thoughts

Before we turn the pages and embark on this journey together, I want to mention a few fun facts. First, in addition to the "beta" AI avatar bot above, I also have a free AI text or voice input GPT4 chatbot that accompanies the book. It allows you to search, summarize, and analyze content or drill as deep as you'd like on any topic in the book. Kick the tires and ask the bot questions. Let it do the heavy lifting. Here's the AI Chatbot link.

Second, enjoy the "audio version" of this book while you're out and about. Listen on all your favorite podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Youtube.

Quick Tip- You can listen to the entire book or go through each chapter one at a time on Youtube (chapter links can be found in the description).

Third, how many books do you know that have their own theme song? That's right, Drumroll, please! My new book now has its own theme song and music video titled, “It’s a Brand New Day!” It was completely written with the audio and video generated by AI. You can listen to it here and I also shared the production steps using a combination of ChatGPT4 (writing), Suno (music) and Runway Gen-3 Alpha (video).

And last but not least, at this time I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Jason Fried and his incredible team at 37Signals for creating Writebook, the exceptional free platform for this digital book. Your innovative approach and dedication to excellence have provided a seamless and inspiring experience for authors and readers alike.

I'd also like to acknowledge that I try to "walk my talk" and that this publication was created and crafted not only based upon my 30+ years of extensive litigation, negotiation, mediation and technology experience, but also with the help of new cutting-edge artificial intelligence, including OpenAI's GPT-4o and my firm’s own AI chatbots.

Join Our "AI In Law" LinkedIn Group!

Do this before you go to the next chapter...

Our "AI in Law" group on LinkedIn is your go-to community for learning and exploring AI, whether you’re just curious or already an expert. Connect in real-time with like-minded professionals, uncover game-changing AI applications, and transform your legal practice for the better. Ask questions and participate in engaging discussions, access valuable resources, and experience the synergy of learning and sharing in our inclusive community. 🔥 Here's the link!

OK. Are you ready to turn the page and step into the future? Let's begin.


This book is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The content provided herein is not legal advice, and no attorney-client relationship is formed by reading or using this book. The authors and publishers of this book expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability for any damages, losses, or legal consequences arising directly or indirectly from the use or reliance upon any information contained in this book.

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The "AI In Law" podcast compliments this book. It's your quick dive into how AI is transforming the practice of law. In just seven minutes, get the insights you need to stay sharp and ahead of the curve. Listen on Apple Podcast," Spotify, and YouTube.