Chapter 11- The Curious Case of Mr. Grump (the Golden Rule)
Once upon a time, in the bustling town of Harmonyville, lived a clever fox named Frankie. Frankie was known for his shiny red coat, quick thinking, and kind heart. But Frankie had a secret—he loved solving tricky problems, especially ones involving people (or animals) not getting along.
One sunny morning, Frankie was busy building a birdhouse when a loud BANG startled him. It was Mr. Grump, a prickly porcupine, stomping through the square. He had accidentally dropped his basket of apples, and they were rolling everywhere!
“Move out of my way!” Mr. Grump barked, scaring the squirrels and sparrows nearby. Everyone avoided him because, well, he wasn’t exactly the nicest neighbor. But Frankie thought differently.
Frankie hopped over with a cheerful smile. “Hi, Mr. Grump! Let me help!”
Mr. Grump huffed but didn’t say no. As Frankie picked up the apples, he hummed a little tune:
🎵 If you want to make the world shine bright, Treat others kind, and do what’s right! 🎵
When Frankie handed back the basket, Mr. Grump muttered, “Thanks,” and scurried away. The animals whispered, “Why bother helping him, Frankie? He’s always so mean!”
Frankie just grinned. “Everyone has a reason for their grumpiness. Maybe he’s just having a bad day!”
Days later, Frankie got a surprise. Mr. Grump showed up at his door holding a bundle of wildflowers. “I wanted to say sorry,” Mr. Grump said shyly. “I’ve been, well… prickly. You reminded me what it’s like to be treated kindly, so I wanted to do the same.”
Frankie’s eyes sparkled. “See? The Golden Rule works magic!”
From that day forward, Mr. Grump wasn’t so grumpy anymore. The townsfolk started calling him Mr. Glow because kindness made him shine from the inside out.
The lesson? When someone is grumpy or rude, don’t growl back. Instead, try a smile and a helping hand. Because, just like Frankie, you might turn a bad day—or even a grumpy porcupine—into something golden.
🎵 Kindness is catching, it’s true as can be, When you live by the Rule, you’ll make harmony! 🎵
And with that, Frankie trotted off, ready for his next adventure in Harmonyville.